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Epic Games Takes a Stand Against Toxicity with Voice Reporting in Fortnite

Epic Games
Online gaming has undeniably become a cornerstone of entertainment for millions of people worldwide. The massive multiplayer online gaming industry has expanded its horizons, fostering connections among players globally. Unfortunately, with the growth of this community, toxicity, harassment, and rule violations have also risen. Epic Games, the developer behind the immensely popular Fortnite, has decided to take a proactive approach in addressing these issues. In a recent announcement, they unveiled a new feature called “voice reporting” as a part of their continuous efforts to create a safe and enjoyable gaming environment. This article will delve into the details of this innovative approach to combat toxic behavior in Fortnite and its potential impact on the gaming industry as a whole.

The Problem of Toxicity in Online Gaming

Online gaming, while offering countless opportunities for enjoyment and social interaction, has long grappled with the issue of toxicity within its communities. Toxic behavior can manifest in various forms, such as bullying, harassment, hate speech, impersonation, and more. Players often find themselves subjected to these negative experiences, which can lead to a decline in their overall gaming satisfaction. In some cases, such behavior can even deter individuals from playing certain games altogether. Statistics have consistently highlighted the prevalence of toxicity in online gaming. A study conducted by mental health advocacy organization Take This revealed that a staggering 70% of players have actively avoided specific games due to their reputation for having hostile communities. Such data underscores the need for a comprehensive solution to address this pervasive issue.

Epic Games’ Ongoing Efforts

Epic Games has a history of striving to create a safe and enjoyable gaming ecosystem for its players. Their commitment to this goal is evident through various initiatives and features aimed at curbing toxicity within Fortnite. One of their existing safety features is “Cabined Accounts,” which restricts interactions with other players and activities for users under the age of 13. This measure is part of their broader strategy to protect younger players from potential harm while gaming.

The Introduction of Voice Reporting

In their latest move to combat toxic behavior, Epic Games has introduced a groundbreaking feature known as “voice reporting.” This feature empowers players to report rule violations, harassment, and other forms of misconduct with audio evidence. While reporting in text form has been available in many games, the addition of voice reporting represents a significant step forward in the fight against toxicity.

Understanding How Voice Reporting Works

To grasp the significance of voice reporting, it’s essential to understand its functionality and implementation within Fortnite.
  1. Default Activation: Voice reporting is enabled by default for most players, ensuring that the majority of gamers can benefit from this feature without any additional configuration.
  1. Age-Dependent Options: Players aged 18 and above can opt to change their voice reporting settings from “Always On” to “Off When Possible.” This flexibility allows adult players to have control over when voice reporting is active.
  1. Restricted Options for Minors: For players under the age of 18, the option to disable voice reporting is not available, emphasizing Epic Games’ commitment to the safety of younger users.
  1. Alternative Choices for Younger Players: Younger players who prefer not to have their voices recorded can choose to either turn off voice chat or mute their microphones entirely.

Enforcing Community Rules

Fortnite has established a set of community rules that explicitly prohibit various forms of toxic behavior, including bullying, harassment, hate speech, revealing personal information, impersonation, and promoting illegal activities. The introduction of voice reporting now allows players to report these violations in voice chat, providing crucial evidence to support their claims.

Retention of Voice Recordings

Once a player submits a report containing voice evidence, Epic Games retains the recording for a duration of fourteen days. This period allows the moderation team to review the content and take appropriate action, such as issuing warnings or suspensions, as necessary. This retention period ensures accountability and provides a window for investigating reported incidents thoroughly.

Compliance with Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

Epic Games remains committed to complying with regulations, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). To adhere to COPPA’s guidelines, the company continues to require parental consent for players under the age of 13 to use voice chat. This requirement safeguards the privacy and well-being of younger users while maintaining a secure gaming environment.

Data Storage and Analysis

Voice recordings submitted through the voice reporting feature are not stored on Epic Games’ servers. Instead, they are saved on players’ devices and only transmitted to Epic’s backend system if the player chooses to send them. The recorded audio is then subjected to analysis by a moderation team in conjunction with machine learning tools. This combination of human oversight and automated analysis helps ensure fair and accurate evaluations of reported incidents. Furthermore, all audio reports are submitted anonymously, preserving the privacy of the reporting player.

Expanding the Reach of Voice Reporting

While voice reporting is currently implemented exclusively in Fortnite, Epic Games has expressed intentions to extend this feature to other titles, such as Rocket League, in the future. Although no specific timeline has been provided for this expansion, it demonstrates the company’s commitment to addressing toxicity across its gaming portfolio.

Enhancing Accountability

One notable aspect of Epic Games’ approach is the transparency and accountability it promotes. Players who utilize voice reporting will receive feedback on the actions taken as a result of their reports. This level of communication and visibility empowers the gaming community to actively contribute to a safer online environment.

Comparison with Other Voice Moderation Systems

Voice reporting is not a unique concept in the gaming industry. Several other games and platforms have implemented voice moderation features to combat toxicity. Notably, competitive shooter Overwatch 2 initiated voice chat moderation through its Defense Matrix program, which relied on chat transcriptions rather than audio evaluation. Additionally, console giants Sony and Microsoft have introduced voice moderation features on a platform-wide scale, bypassing the need for individual developers to tackle the issue independently. In all of these cases, the focus is on allowing players to capture and share audio clips with developers or platform holders, rather than passively monitoring all voice chat interactions.

The Battle Against Toxicity

Toxicity in online gaming remains a significant challenge, impacting the experiences of millions of players worldwide. While voice reporting and similar initiatives are not silver bullets that can completely eradicate toxic behavior, they represent critical steps toward addressing the issue at its core. By providing players with the tools to report incidents of toxicity with audio evidence, Epic Games is fostering a culture of accountability within its gaming community. The retention of voice recordings for review ensures that reported incidents are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions are taken to deter repeat offenders.


Epic Games’ introduction of voice reporting in Fortnite is a noteworthy step in the ongoing battle against toxicity in online gaming. This innovative feature empowers players to actively contribute to a safer gaming environment by reporting rule violations with audio evidence. While the problem of toxicity may persist to some extent, initiatives like voice reporting demonstrate the gaming industry’s commitment to creating a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for all players. As Epic Games continues to expand its reach with voice reporting and potentially integrates it into other titles, the gaming community can look forward to a future where toxic behavior is increasingly addressed and discouraged. Ultimately, the success of such initiatives relies not only on the tools provided by developers but also on the collective effort of players to uphold the values of respect, sportsmanship, and camaraderie within the gaming world.
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